FRESHERS: Routine -Let’s Not Make it So Hard

So whilst I know some people haven’t started or are still in the process of experiencing their freshers week, here’s a post for after all the madness of freshers has died down and the real university begins.

A routine is something so many people wish they could accomplish – one that includes: meals, exercise, work, jobs done and relaxation. But, it’s all so much easier said than done! I’m one of those where it works perfectly for a couple of days and I feel like Superwoman then something throws me off and I just can’t get back into it! I’ve started to learn what works best for me and I think that’s such an important aspect of getting into a routine. You can’t just look at someone’s life and think I’m going to give that a go. You may copy their routine but it might just not work out the way you want it to!

I understand now what times are best to do certain things and which work for me. So this is roughly how I go about trying to be in routine (this is a general routine and more applicable to me being on my university break):

  • I try and get up early (but it doesn’t always happen) and when I mean early, I mean 7.30/8am not ridiculous times like 5.30/6am. That just does not work for me because I’m really not a morning person, but I never feel like I’m missing out as I still have plenty of time to get what I want done, if I prioritize the important stuff for that day! And I take my time to enjoy my breakfast in the morning and check emails because I feel more ready for the day when my morning’s aren’t rushed!
  • In relation to university work, especially during busy periods I’ve come to learn I’m more productive before 12pm and after 4pm. I have no idea why! I get tired very easily and in these 4 hours I tend to lose my energy and can never sit down and get stuff done efficiently! I usually take a nap or just take some time to myself and just listen to music. Obviously,being at home I have more spare time but, even with lectures and seminars my body still works in the same way so I just fit my work in around my lazy hours! and that’s going to be different for everybody so find your least productive times and work with them not against them!
  • CANNOT exercise in the morning, my body just does not function! I’ve already mentioned I’m really not a morning person and I think people feel exercise has to be done first thing! Most studies show people actually feel more active between 4pm and 7pm and that’s around the time I try to do some exercise myself. I try and do it about 6pm or 7pm at the latest so that I’m not eating too late! Otherwise, after a shower and eating it’s time to go to bed before I know it.
  • Evenings are normally spent with my friends and family or whatever if I manage to get my work done earlier in the day. But if I workout earlier I tend to do a little extra university work in the spare time I have before I sit down to relax. I get into bed about 10.30pm so that I can read for at least an hour to wind down. And I set my alarm to wake up 8 hours from the time I close my eyes. (I’m a bit of a fan of the whole sleep cycle thing)
  • Another really important aspect of creating a routine in my opinion is making sure I try and eat my meals at the same time each day, and not just when I can be bothered. Having certain times for my meals means I’ll always eat properly and wont get distracted by other things, which can lead to me snacking too much or eating too little in a day!

So that’s more or less how I go about my daily routine and I understand busy schedules can make it harder! As I’ve mentioned over and over this is what suits me and you just have to find times of the day that are most productive for you and base your own routine around that aspect! If you can get your work done way better at night time then make sure during the day you take the time to relax and do the things you want like see friends.You won’t feel as guilty then when you have to say no to those pre-drinks so that you can do your work!

Your 15-minute morning workout

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is have a glass of water. And then I pee. I almost always need to pee straight after…why am I telling you this? Sometimes it’s important to have a routine, especially in regards to Health and Fitness, mostly in order to fit it in! A couple of days a week after I’ve had my water I will, half asleep, put on some gym clothes and either head to the gym for a full workout or simply do some exercises to increase my heart rate and set me up for the day.

In London last week it was averaging 30 degrees (lucky for us) during the days and early evenings. The hot weather meant exercising in the early morning gave me the option to not fuss over the gym when I was sweating from merely breathing!  You can build up quite a sweat in 15 minutes, and today I am going to tell you how I do this in five simple steps.

1. First on the list is Bulgarian split squats. This can be done with or without weights, I can assure you that your muscles can be worked either way. The key thing with this exercise is to not let your knee drift over your toes. Be sure to engage your core in this move, keeping your torso upright and your knee almost to the floor. Many people still to this day are unaware that one of the quickest ways to burn fat is to build muscle, hence the treadmills being taken over by ladies but the weighted areas mostly still consist of men. But adding the Bulgarian split squats to your gym routine, or this small morning routine will help you build muscle all over your body.

2. The next exercise in my 15 minute morning routine is the well-known press-up. Whether you want to do half press-ups or standard press-ups, it doesn’t matter! The most important thing here is to keep your form for 45 seconds. Keeping your core engaged at all times and ensuring your hips don’t start creeping up to the ceiling, just push away from the floor until the timer beeps!

3. Next up: burpees. If you’re anything like me, you hate to see that word. However, if you’re committed to the exercise and you practise it regularly, you’ll probably love the results that they bring. The move is one of the toughest bodyweight exercises there is today and that’s because they engage the whole body intensely. Burpees burn fat and build muscle all in one movement which tests your body for its strength and aerobic capabilities.


4. Squats: Now I’m not saying that squatting will sculpt your glutes into a similar shape to Kim K’s, but I am saying that it WILL strengthen the leg muscles at all points which will prevent weaknesses and increase strength during other mobile activities. Furthermore, the squat will burn body fat as you are moving a large part of your body. It is very important to get your squatting form right though, so please do not let your knees go over your toes (if your knees hurt during a squat then you are doing it wrong). Really stick your bum out – almost like you’re going to the toilet at a festival and you really really do not want to touch the seat but you must get as close as possible. Oh, and keep your chest up and back straight.

5. And last but not least, one of the most talked-about exercises of all time… the plank. Whenever I walk into the gym I will undoubtedly see somebody planking. With the plank, it’s really important that you try and keep your alignment straight. The aim is not to have your bum up in the air like the famous downward facing dog yoga pose or to have your hips nearly touching the floor. Really engage your core and stay in a straight horizontal line. If you feel your body moving into one of the aforementioned unwanted positions then come back down and rest for 5 or 10 seconds and start again. It is better to do two shorter planks in good form, than one long-strained and incorrect plank.

So to sum up your 15 minute morning workout…

1. Bulgarian split squats (3 sets of 15 reps)

2. Press-ups (3 sets of AMAP in 45 seconds)

3. Burpees (3 sets of 8 reps)

4. Squats (3 sets of 15 reps)

5. Plank (3 sets of 30 seconds holding)

By Zoe Green

If you have any questions in regards to this article then email Zoe at with the subject “dearzoegreen” and she will respond to you as fast as possible.

Instagram: dearzoegreen