How to do Florence…in 48hrs

Where to Stay

Airbnb is the perfect option for Florence. Staying in an Airbnb allows for an authentic Florence experience, creating the feel of living like a local. The city is perfectly compact meaning you don’t have to being staying in a hotel or hostel in a central location, you can get very reasonably priced places to stay all just a short walk to the city centre. The apartment I stayed in with two friends was newly furnished, equipped with a sofa bed, a double bed, and I was particularly impressed by the well equipped kitchen. This allowed for cooked breakfasts, and evening meals to save money.

Where to Eat

Panini Toscani – Hands down the best sandwich shop in the world! This isn’t just a sandwich shop, this is a sandwich experience. Every panini will contain ham and cheese, but while this may seem simple, there is nothing simple about it. Upon entry to the shop you will be greeted by an old man who runs the shop. He will invite a small group over to a chopping board at the end of the counter. With the most soft spoken Italian accent he will take you through the cheese and ham selection they have, giving everyone a small taste and explaining the origins of production. You then select your ham and cheese choices, and are then invited to choose your additional fillings. All of this for less than five euros, there really is no better way to have lunch in Florence.

Gelateria La Carraia – Everybody thinks they like ice cream, but you don’t truly know ice cream until you’ve been to an authentic Italian gelateria. Sitting on the river bank La Carraia lays claim to being the first ice cream shop in the world, their Ice cream is made in store, giving it the rich creaminess you come to expect of italian ice cream. As you wait in the inevitable queue trying to decide from the long list of flavours proves a challenge and this decision will change a number of times before you get served. If still undecided they are happy to give you a little taster. This is a great spot as you can enjoy your ice cream sat in the sun overlooking the river.


Il Mercato Centrale Firenze – The options available at Il Mercato Centrale are endless, with such a wide range of culinary delights there is something here for everyone. The surrounding streets are swamped with small market stalls selling clothing and other small items. Inside you’ll find all the food. It’s extremely modern, with outlets lining the perimeter of the building, then loads of chairs and tables and a big bar in the centre. I went for one of the woodfire pizzas. You can see one chef rolling dough, one putting on all the toppings and another rotating them in the oven, as fresh as pizza can get!


What to See

Explore the Art Galleries – Florence has a rich history of art and this tradition has been maintained to this day. There are enormous greek statues located around the city, and Michelangelo’s David is a must see. Just around the corner is the Uffizi Gallery which houses some of the best art in the world. Make sure to either prebook your tickets or get there early, or risk being stuck in a long queue (two hours at the least). Finally check out the Palazzo Strozzi, a smaller gallery hosting different exhibitions through the year. When I visited there was a Kandinisky to Pollock exhibition. The current exhibition is on Ai Weiwei.

Religious Landmarks – Grab a ticket to see all the key religious landmarks in central Florence. For just €15 you have access to the Cathedral, Dome, Bell Tower, Crypt and the Museum over a 48 hour period, so you can either do them all in one day, or spread them over a couple of days. The architecture of these buildings is like none other. The scale and design of the buildings will leave you in awe. Make sure you’ve had a big breakfast to give you the energy to climb the steps of the Dome and the Bell Tower. The effort is worth it as you’re rewarded with wonderful panoramic views over the city. The crypts and the museum are a great way to learn more about the history of Florence.

Explore Florence at Night – One of the best ways to see Florence is at night. On a warm summers night the vibe of the city is so chilled and the mad rush of tourists has died down which makes for a much more enjoyable time. Start by heading up to the Piazzalle Michelangelo. It’s slightly outside of the city centre and quite a long walk up. You get a perfect view over the city, the best way to see the sun set in Florence. Then head back down into Florence to cross the Ponte Vecchio Bridge. The bridge is hundreds of years old, and lined with shops. At night it’s nice and quiet, a great place to relax with friends. Head down through the city centre to find some nighttime food and drink. We spent our night dancing in the square whilst listening to a jazz band, the nighttime makes for a truly remarkable experience.


By Thomas Rofe

FRESHERS: Easy to Follow, Easy to Make Recipes

Speaking from experience, we all know freshers week is more about the going out than staying at home and cooking BUT we have some great recipes that are fun to make and don’t take too long, all made from your average weekly shopping list!

We’ve calculated just how much it would cost for this weekly shop, baring in mind that many of these will last for more than just week and some will even last for months afterwards (depending on how regular you cook with them).

Your Weekly Ingredients:                                 Ingredients to Stock in Your Cupboard:

Chicken Breast 300g                                               Rice

Milk                                                                               Yeast

Bacon                                                                            Penne Pasta

Bread                                                                             Spaghetti Pasta

Mini Wraps                                                                  Strong White Flour

Passata                                                                          Dried Parsley

3 pack of Garlic                                                           Dried Basil

Mini Chorizo Snack Packet                                     Paprika

Salami                                                                           Chilli Powder

Pre- Grated Mozzarella Cheese


Single Cream

Sundried Tomatos in a Jar

Chick Peas

Kidney Beans


4 pack of Avocado

3 pack of Onions

3 pack of Peppers

Closed Cup Mushrooms

Tomato and Chilli Sauce

Total Calculation (from Tesco Stores): £34.40

Minus the products that will do more than one serving: – £8.83

Your Weekly Shop: = £25.57



American Style pancakes (Serves about 6 pancakes)

140grams of Flour, 100ml of Milk, 1tbsp Baking Powder, 1tsp Salt, 2 Eggs

Sieve the Flour, Baking Powder & Salt together into a big mixing bowl.

Simply beat the eggs in a jug, then add the milk to the egg mixture.

Add the jug to the mixing bowl and whisk away.

Pre-heat a pan with olive oil on a medium heat.

For each pancake spoon out 3 tbsp’s of mixture onto the pan.

Add Syrup, Honey, Fruits or Yogurt to make for the perfect morning breakfast (or brunch)


French Toast (Serves 4)

4 Slices of Bread, 1 Egg, 1/4 Cup of Milk (Vanilla & Cinnamon are Optional)

Just beat the egg in a shallow dish, add in the milk and mix together.

Dip the bread in, making sure to cover each side evenly.

Cook the bread in a lightly greased non-stick pan on a medium heat until both sides are browned.


Avocado & Poached egg on Toast (Serves 1)

1 Slice of Bread, 1/2 of Avocado, 1 Egg

Boil a small pan of water.

Once the pan starts to bubble, crack the egg into the middle of the water.

The egg shouldn’t take too long to poach about 30 seconds- 1 minute.

Whilst the water is on boil, toast the bread and mash the avocado so it’s easy to spread.

Spread the Avocado, add on the egg and there you go!


Main Dishes:

Fajitas (Serves 1)

1 Chicken Breast, Paprika, 1 Chopped Pepper, 1/2 Onion, Chilli Powder, 2 Mini Wraps & Sour Cream

Dice the onions and chop the pepper into thin strips.

Dice the chicken into small pieces and put in a mixing bowl, add equal amounts of paprika and chilli powder until the chicken is sufficiently covered, along with a little bit of oil.

Heat a non-stick pan and put on a bit of olive oil before putting the onions in to brown.

Once the onion’s start to look cooked throw in the spicy covered chicken.

As the chicken starts to cook add in the strips of pepper (if it looks dry just top up with a bit of water).

Serve up in a wrap and a side of sour cream.


HomeMade Pizza(Serves 2)

300g Strong  White Flour, 1 tsp of Instant Yeast, 1 tsp Salt, 1 tbsp of Olive Oil, Passata, Basil, 1 Garlic Clove, (Spinach, Grated Mozzarella & Salami: All optional)

For the base: Put the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt.

Make a hole in the middle of the mixture and pour in 200ml warm water and the olive oil.

Bring it together with a wooden spoon until you have a soft, fairly wet dough.

Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins until smooth. (It’s up to you if you’d like to leave the dough to rise but for a thin crust you don’t have to).

For the sauce: Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together.

On a floured surface, roll out the dough into the desired shapes using a rolling pin.

Don’t make it too thick because it will rise in the oven (our baking trays weren’t big enough so we always did 4 decent sized pizzas instead of 2).

Put onto a foiled sheet, to go in the oven otherwise it’ll stick to the tray.

Heat up the oven  220C/Gas Mark 8, smooth the sauce over the bases and top with whatever you’d like!

Cook until crisp, usually takes about 10 minutes.

Have fun with this one, I spent a whole week having pizza with different topics!


Bean & Chorizo Chilli( Serves 2)

100g Chorizo, 400g of Kidney Beans, 400g of Chickpeas both rinsed and drained, Tomato & Chilli Sauce,  Rice, Sour Cream.

Slice up the chorizo and then dry-fry for a few mins in a non-stick frying pan until crisp.

Pour out any fat from the pan, then tip in the sauce (if the sauce isn’t hot enough you can always add in a bit of chilli powder) and beans with 100ml water.

Bring to a simmer, cover, then lower the heat and bubble for 10 mins.

Serve with rice and a side of sour cream.


Here are the links to three other deliciously simple recipes created by other talented bloggers: All the ingredients are on the top of this page so just follow the instructions and bon appetite!

Mushroom Risotto                     Spaghetti  Carbonara                  Chicken Mozzarella Pasta

Get the Recipe                              Get the Recipe                                 Get the Recipe