FRESHERS: 6 Alternatives to a Night Out at the Club

When people think of students and the uni lifestyle, something that instantly springs to mind is the drinking culture. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good night out, but sometimes the thought of dancing for hours in a packed room and spending money on overpriced alcohol simply doesn’t appeal. So here are some great alternatives to a heavy night out.

The cinema

Because who doesn’t love a trip to the movies? The cinema is a relatively affordable way to spend your evening if you don’t fancy a big night clubbing. It’s a great way to see friends and to get out of the house. Most cinemas have a particular day where it’s cheaper so keep a watch out! Also Keep an eye out for your university cinema as they often show new blockbuster films much cheaper than the local cinema in town!

Movie night

If you really don’t want to leave the comfort of your own house (only enough to rush out for snacks), then perhaps one of the simplest and most enjoyable alternatives to a night out is a good old fashioned movies night. Pop to Tesco’s to pick up a supply of m&m’s, biscuits and crisps, change into your PJ’s, settle down on the sofa in a pile of blankets and enjoy your movie!


Whilst you could pop out to dinner to a fancy restaurant (well as fancy as you can get on a student budget) it can be just as fun to cook a meal! Make an effort to buy all the trimmings, spend the time cooking and settle down to enjoy some good food. One of the favourites in my house was fajitas, simple but delicious!


You honestly can’t beat live music. Whether it’s a band at the local music venue, an open night mic, or a new music event somewhere you can’t go wrong. Keep an eye out at different venues for cheap tickets, most pubs will have live music at least once a week. You’re student Union also normally offers a great ranges of artists!


Sometimes you may not feel like going on a big night out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a trip to the local pub for a pint! Cocktail bars often have happy hours and student discounts, so if you only fancy one or two drinks this is a great and relatively cheap way to spend your evening. You can’t beat a pub quiz or a bit of karaoke at your student bar!

Board game night

Sounds simple I know, but board games can provide endless amounts of fun, especially those that go on for hours. But be warned, make sure you know the people you’re playing with, these games can get extremely competitive and even jeopardise relationships.

By Niamh O’Connor

FRESHERS: Easy Pre-Drinking Recipes

For a fresher pre-drinks basically becomes a ritual before any night out, as we all try to save as much money as we can by drinking ourselves silly before stumbling our way to the club, but there’s being cheap then there’s drinking a whole 2 litres of Frosty Jacks at the price of literally nothing. So here’s a few classier drink recipes to spruce up your pre-drinking game, all quick and easy and used from alcohol usually found sitting around in your student accommodation. 


200ml Cranberry Juice, 100ml Orange Juice, 75ml Vodka, 75ml Peach Schnapps.

Method: Mix all the ingredients together, and serve with ice! Add the alcohol first, or it will float to the top!


One WKD Blue, 50ml Port, 25ml Vodka.

Method: Mix together the bottle of WKD with the Port. Then add 25ml of your Vodka. Easy as!


375ml of Pimms, 100ml of Gin, 1l of  Lemonade, 200ml Cranberry Juice, 1 Lemon Sliced, Mint Leaves and Berries to Garnish (optional…we are students after all).

Method: Fill one quarter of a large jug with ice cubes. Pour in the Pimms, gin, lemonade and cranberry juice, stir well. (Add the lemon, mint and berries to garnish, and serve.)


3/4 cup of Boxed Red Wine,  1/4 cup Apple juice (Berries and a Slice of Lemon)

Method: Mix together and serve with berries & lemon.


2 Cups of Watermelon Chunks, 1 Tbsp of Agave Nectar, 1/2 cup of Boxed White Wine, 1/2 cup of Soda

Method: Put the watermelon chunks and the agave nectar in a blender and pulse until smooth.  Use 1/4 of the watermelon mixture and in first, top up with the wine and soda! Enjoy!


Depending on how much you’re making use 3 parts Red Wine, 1 part Orange Juice, 2 parts Lemonade, Sliced fruits and fresh mint (Optional to Serve).

Method: Mix all the ingredients together in a large jug. (Add more red wine, orange juice or lemonade according to taste and desired strength) Garnish.