Welcome to TYC – The Young Collective

My name’s Lauren and I’m the Founder of what I hope will be an inspiration to all the wonderful young adults and teenagers out there! If University has taught me anything over the past two years it’s that you’re going to come across people who inspire you, who are capable at doing things you’re maybe not so good at. University teaches us that the outside world is extremely competitive and that if you want to succeed at something you have to be the best. That is the motto that drives us, but I’ve also come to learn that everyday instead of welling in self pity at not being as talented as somebody else, I am thankful that I have the chance to come across all these inspiring people.

I want to share with you a collection of articles and pieces of work submitted by me and the people around me. These articles will be a pix’n’mix of thoughts and opinions from those that motivate me, a display not just because of their position as friends and family
but as young adults who have something to say. In the future I hope The Young Collective encourages others to also start writing: to get verbal, get creative and get passionate about the things they love and truly believe in.