Top Tips from R1 Academy’s Creative Futures Event

Here’s a few top tips we learnt at last nights Q&A session with Industry leaders at the Creative Futures Event hosted at Exeter College:

1. Work Experience

The most common question from young adults, but what does it mean? Do you have to have work experience in order to get a job?  In short, in the creative industry experience is invaluable. You’re working in an industry that is constantly changing, constantly developing and looking for something fresh. Creativity stems from your surroundings, by being around those who do it daily work experience can only help you to grow creatively. It helps for both developing new skills, and networking. Work experience, shadowing, internships – do what you think will benefit you.

 2. Finding Inspiration

If the opportunities to volunteer aren’t there, get creative yourself and team up with people around you that inspire you. The Young Collective has been made possible simply due the enthusiasm of a group of people who want to get creative. Want to play music? Gather a few friends, practise playing and going through the creative process, this doesn’t have to be your ultimate goal, but instead gives you a chance to collaborate with like-minded people. You can learn a lot from those around you.


3. University vs Apprenticeships?

It’s an ongoing debate, but the panel agreed they both have benefits. You have to do what works for you, are your friends going to University, but you don’t feel it’s right for you? Hey that’s ok! Seek the experiences that build your portfolio and showcase you in your best light. If you’re progressively learning to be the best you can be, then it’s your choice to choose which route you go down.

4. No Template for the Perfect CV

No consensus from the panel on the perfect CV.  This goes to show there is no perfect CV, instead tailor your CV to the job. Your CV has to be relevant to the job you’re applying for, and illustrates the skills you have required for the job. This could mean you have two completely different CV’s for two different jobs…perfect! Take your time in knowing what they’re asking for, the important thing to remember is that the employer wants a taste of who you are and what you can bring to the company, if that summer cleaning job isn’t relevant don’t put it!

A Highlight from Last Nights #BBCIntroducing

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