FRESHERS: How to be TeeTotal at University & Enjoy It!

Boozing it up seems like the rite of passage for many becoming a university student. For some they come into university as a seasoned drinker, for others university will be the first time they drink anything more than a glass of wine with Sunday dinner. However, there is often a forgotten minority who don’t drink at all at university. This was a group I was firmly part of for the first two years of my university life. In a place where drinking is so prevalent it can be hard to be the one not drinking. When I came to university I was surrounded by people who were very understanding which helped me a lot. While there there were some nights that I really did struggle, the majority of my time at university the lack of alcohol hasn’t been a problem. Here I will share my experiences and tips for a teetotal university experience.

  • Embrace University Life

University life has the potential to be whatever you want it to be, but the most important thing is to embrace university in however you choose. This is general advice to anyone, but especially non-drinkers. If you want to have nights in with friends, do that. If you want to go and live it up in your local club, do that. Drinking doesn’t define the activities in which you’re allowed to participate. Do what makes you happy and comfortable.

  • Find Alcohol Free Events

University societies are usually required to have at least one non-drinking freshers event. These are great events to meet people in a relaxed social setting. These could be sports taster sessions, or meet and greets in a cafe. Make the most of these to meet people,  in turn it’ll make drinking socials easier as you’ll be around familiar faces. If on alcohol based socials just do what you are comfortable with. If in doubt look for the sober committee member (societies are usually required to have one), they will more than likely be happy to chat and help.

  • Don’t Be Shy

Alcohol is seen by many as a way to top up their confidence. If you aren’t drinking, certain social situations may not flow as easily as they seem to for other people. Just be yourself and enjoy everything you do. Don’t hold back from introducing yourself to people, don’t shy away from a particular social, go and throw the craziest shapes in that club.

  • Don’t Let it Define You

You’ll inevitably get questions about why you don’t drink. People can generate a lot of preconceptions about what someone who doesn’t drink may act or be like. From experience there are a wide reasons why people choose not to drink. More people don’t drink than you think, and the variety of personalities is huge. Be yourself and don’t conform to any preconceptions. If people don’t react well to someone not drinking, they aren’t worth being friends with anyway. But don’t try and hide it, honesty will always be easier.

  • Embrace the Benefits

There are very obvious benefits to not drinking at university , so try and focus on them rather than any issues you may have. Firstly nights out will be extremely cheap compared to your drinking counter parts. If you’re a good saver this will benefit you greatly, however if you’re like me this extra money will just be spent on coffee. Secondly you’ll avoid the dreadful hangovers. You can proudly turn up to a morning lecture while your peers struggle with last night’s headache.

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