Beauty Product Buying and Preserving – The Student Way

I like to think ahead about things and I mean very ahead. I like to plan and estimate how much things are liable to cost and make budgets and all that shizz. Yeah sometimes it’s very pointless. But, sometimes it’s worth it. Like when I started university last September.

So as a student it’s pretty hard to stay on top of money (unless you budget) but sometimes there is unexpected events or you end up spending more money that you thought which means you have no money for the important things… like shampoo, moisturiser , toothpaste all the toiletries and beauty products you need. So I decided to be pro-active. Spending the whole summer working before going to university my bank balance was doing ok.

I knew that if I just bought a bulk of stuff before I actually got there it would mean I wouldn’t necessarily have to go into my loan money when I ran out. Let’s face it I could have set aside money for all those products but the liable outcome is I’m going to spend it when I think something is worth it ‘Ah, Fall out boy are playing in Cardiff- lets go!’. We all know how that ends: I’ll get in the shower and find there’s no shampoo, I’ll then have to trek to the local shop with my unwashed hair and pay way more than I usually would.

So basically I bought excess amounts of everything along with my boxes. I’ve only had to buy shampoo again once. And my year was basically over!

But, what happens when you buy all this stuff but you use it so much it doesn’t seem like it will last long enough? Well I found the most perfect example of how much of products you actually need from everyone’s best friend This should help preserve your products. Ultimately saving you money, giving you more to spend on those important party beverages. (Plus you’ll look  extra good with all your beauty products on!)



2 thoughts on “Beauty Product Buying and Preserving – The Student Way

  1. Absolutely love this post! Such a useful tip and a relatable issue. Thank you for sharing this!


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